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LGBTQ Voices

How I Speak Openly About My Sexuality in a Religious Household



A girl with dark hair and black shirt smiling next to another girl with short blonde hair wearing a white and colorful striped shirt.
Portland, ME

Growing up in a very religious household, it was difficult for me to talk about any of my thoughts on sexuality with my parents. I never truly came out. My mom found out about my girlfriend of two years who used to be my best friend during my sophomore year in high school. She was sad that I had kept it a secret for so long.

However, as time passed, she was able to become very accepting, which is a lot to ask someone who was raised as strictly Catholic as she was. Now, we talk openly about my relationships and I feel very lucky.

I always had crushes on girls and boys. Talking to boys made me nervous, and eventually, the same feeling started happening with certain girls I was close with.

No one has really treated me differently. Most people in our generation seem to be very accepting. However, I am not out to my extended family and can imagine them treating me differently.

I think coming out can be bittersweet depending on your background, religious beliefs, and relationship with your family; it can be both freeing and damaging. It may be easier now in the grand scheme of things, but individual cases definitely still vary.

I think the atmosphere in which we live, there are people that think it is okay to be more open about their hate. Whether or not it has gotten worse is hard to say.

I personally have been very lucky, but I know others who cannot say the same. In the end, I feel like people always fear what is different and new to them.

There is definitely not enough queer representation in the media! I feel like it will increase in the years to come. However, it is hard to tell whether or not this representation is just corporate capitalism using the gay image to make money or whether this is actually a step in the right direction.



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