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Hallowed Be Thy Counsel: 7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Amid Pandemic

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A college student taking an online course on zoom

Zoom has taken the forefront in the past several months as tens of thousands of college students across the U.S. have had to finish the fall semester completely online. Other campuses have limited in-person contact on campus in order to best suit COVID-19 guidelines and effectively keep students safe. Even then, certain classes are online or in a hybrid format whether it’s due to teacher preferences, classroom size, and such. As a result, there are many students that are still at home, waiting for the go-ahead to return to campus. This also means that many students do not have access to on-campus counseling services or other means of support.

One of the major things that college students need for a variety of purposes is counseling. Like in many situations, some may need it often or some may barely need it at all for both kinds of people and all those in between, it does not change the fact that it is essential. People go into counseling with a certain expectation and intend to have results by the time they are finished. 

Some colleges may not offer full-fledged counseling due to the number of students or certain behavior that would lead them to direct students to off-campus services in the long run. With students at home, such services are now relayed through systems like Zoom, and students who prefer person-to-person interaction are now taking a hit while to others, it may just feel the same or functional enough to get the point across as needed. 

Students who have a therapist know very well that therapy is a monetized industry just like all the rest and the internet will not spare you because there are plenty of sites that have the intention of helping student groups through a paywall. In a time like this, it’s even more understandable why there would be more costs attached to counseling. This is besides the fact that counseling is a business as many fields of work have taken a slump during the pandemic and people are, therefore, itching for a method to make money. That does not mean you should avoid finding counseling off-campus, just simply walk in with the mindset that it may not be free like it is on-campus. 

While interacting with others may be more difficult now, there are simple ways to improve your mental health amid the pandemic. 

Write down the things that you believe are problems 

If something feels funny or off about the particular one you?re writing on that list, it probably is not as much of an issue as you make it seem. If you?re on the more artistic side of things, you may want to consider drawing your problems. With how interpretive the world of art is, decide how you would communicate to others what you?re facing. If this all sounds silly, there?s a strong chance that you are simply roadblocking yourself with problems you think you have but actually do not. 

Establish a plan 

Organize your academic schedule and incorporate times when you will seek counseling into that schedule. Walk into the situation with even the most minimal of interests assembled. If you?re undecided on a major, think about the things that made you put so much money into backing your education in the first place. 

Remind yourself of the importance of support

Many students crack under pressure in college. It was never meant to be easy and people who make it seem easy are probably not even achieving the best they truly can. There will always be exceptions, but you need to assess where you are on the scale for your school?s students. It takes some people longer than others to realize that college is simply not for them and that?s just fine. We all deal with different circumstances and one bad month could mean two good ones afterward, but you?d have to stick around to find out. 

Do what you actually care about

It’s not particularly difficult to find out when people have artificial connections to certain things or concepts rather than genuine ones. It can be argued that people can cope with certain problems with things of their interest and if this has not worked for you before, you ought to take a deeper dive into it and establish an array of things you care about or enjoy to do that can prove to be therapeutic. 

Spend time with friends 

You have friends for a reason and friends that you engage the most frequently with should be open to discussing issues that you are facing. You may do it already or even do it subconsciously. Having a support system in your friend group can save your time in searching for another place to talk through issues. 

Try to limit your social media use

Some people think that social media makes them a better person. Some people think that they were created for social media as it is. And some people are continuously putting themselves in harm?s way and shaking off hate responses. You truly can be putting yourself in an unnecessary position with extra screen time or extensive non-essential engagement. When it comes to opinionated issues, surrounding yourself with similar opinions or ideas can help increase your feeling of belonging. Don?t let strangers bother you more than those with whom you share a relationship. There are plenty of people strategically placed across the internet to get on your nerves and you simply should not let them gain satisfaction from doing so.

Go outside for fresh air

Besides the fact that Vitamin D levels affect your mood amongst other things, schooling from home gives you another excuse to be outside to shake up your day. Therefore, you should take up that opportunity whenever possible. It can be an appropriate way to escape your work and even give you ideas you probably would not be able to get otherwise that day. 

In crisis, you must make the best of the means available to you. Simple habits can make a big difference in your life and help you improve your mental health amid the pandemic. Also, if you find value in counseling, perhaps that Zoom meeting is precisely what you require and it would be better than having no support at all.

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