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Friendship Goals – The Ultimate Guide on Building Strong Friendships

Friendships are important relationships and can be challenging to maintain. Check out these 60 friendship goals as an ultimate guide to building strong friendships.



girl best friends sitting on a skateboard having fun

Friendships are some of the most important relationships that we have in our lives. While growing up, friendships come and go: who you were friends with when you were five may not be the same friends that you have now.

However, maybe you do have a friend who has stuck around all those years. If that is the case, they are a special person.

If that is not the case, however, you find a person who is that special at some point– A  friend who you can see being in your life forever. You may have met them at school, work, or through someone else. 

However you met, you two just clicked from the start. When you find that person, you want to keep them in your life.

You guys become ultimate friendship goals. Friendships can be difficult, but they are also meaningful and important relationships.

You do not want to do too much or too little. You want to be there for them but do not want to be too overbearing. New friendships and old friendships can both have difficult moments.

Every friendship is different, so what works for one friendship may not work for another. 

So, how do you know if you have that special friend in your life? What can you do to be a best friend? These are all important questions. In this article, I am going to provide you with signs to know that you have a best friend ever.

These will hopefully let you know that your friend cares about you, and you should be glad they are in your life.

I am also going to provide you with tips on how to become a good friend. Hopefully, they will guide you in becoming the best friend possible.

And, if you are already doing these things, then you will know you are already a fantastic friend and have built a strong friendship. 


In this post:

40 Signs You Have the Best Friend Ever

two girls holding each other


1.  They Support You

Having a strong support system is important. You want to have someone who will stand by you no matter what you do. You want someone who will have your back and be your number one supporter.

If you have a real friend, they will support you no matter who you are doing.

They will support you if you want to change jobs, try out something new, or make a life change. No matter what it is, they will support you. They will help you get it done and be there if you need them.

That is what a best friend does. They are your number one supporter. 

2. They Will Always Tell You the Truth

Honesty is always the best policy, which is why an ultimate friendship goal is having a friend who will tell you the truth, no matter what.

They will tell you if something happens, if someone is talking about you, if they are doubting something, whatever it may be.

It might not always be the easiest thing to hear, but it shows a strong friendship. However, having a friend who will tell you the truth is better than having someone who lies to you.

If your friend is willing to tell you something that may be hard to say or hear, then they are a true friend. They are someone who is in it for the long haul. 

3. They Know All Your Habits

This next friendship goal is something that my best friend definitely fits. She knows what I do when I am stressed, nervous, or tired. She knows all of my weird quirks.

If your best friend also knows your habits like what you do when you are sleepy, what you do after work or class, what you do when you make food, etc., then they are a true best friend.

They have not only been around you often enough to pick up on these habits, but they have also been paying attention. See, my best friend and I started off as random college roommates, and now have lived together for the past four years.

She could have just ignored all of the weird things I do or my habits, but she paid attention and took note of these things. That is what a true best friend does: they take note of the things that make you, you. 

4. They Know When You are Upset

This next sign of a true best friend kind of ties into the previous one. Your best friend can always tell when you are upset. They can tell when your mood changes and when something may be off.

They can notice that something has changed. Maybe you have been quieter, or maybe you are watching or listening to something specific. Whatever it is, your best friend can pick up on these things and know that something is up.

She knows that you are upset and knows what she needs to do. She knows that you need your space, some junk food, or someone to talk to. Whatever it is that will make you feel better.

It takes time and effort to notice those things, so if they do, you have the best friend ever. 

5. You Can Get Them Funny Gifts

This next one is definitely true for my best friend and me. We are not afraid of a weird or unique gift. Most of the time, part of our Christmas or birthday gift to one another is related to an inside joke or story.

Like for my birthday last year, my best friend got me some black cooking aprons. This is because a month or so prior I had decided to make homemade cupcakes for the first time. Let’s just say they did not turn out the greatest.

They tasted more like cornbread than cupcakes. So, the aprons were for my next baking adventure. Well it has been almost a year, and I have not baked anything since.

Weird and unique gifts are something that only close friends feel comfortable getting. Something that will make them laugh or question what it is. Those are the gifts that they will remember and show signs of true friendship. 

Related: 120 Friendship Quotes to Show Affection to Your Dear Friends

6. They are Always Part of Your Plans

This next friendship goal may seem a bit obvious, but it is a great one. If your friend is always part of your plans, or if you are always part of their plans, then you have a best friend there.

This means that you always want them by your side, no matter what you are doing. Or vice versa, they want you by their side. You want them included in going to see a movie, going to run errands, going to a party, whatever it might be.

It could be simply going grocery shopping and you would want them there.

That means you enjoy their company and they enjoy yours. It may start out gradual, like inviting them to something, but eventually, they are always there. That is a sign of a best friend right there. 

7. They Keep Your Secrets

This next sign that you have the best friend ever is very important. You want a friend who can keep your secrets. You want someone who you can trust with any information.

So, if you can trust your friend to keep any secrets you have, no matter what they are, then they are a true best friend.

They have your back and will not spread your secrets to anyone, no matter what. They can become a person that you trust with any information. You feel safe enough to talk to them about anything.

That is a true best friend and someone who will stand by you for a long time. 

8. You Can Go Long Periods of Time Without Talking or Seeing One Another But Things Pick up Right Where You Left Off

This next friendship goal is one that me and my best friend back home definitely fall into. I go to school two hours away from her, so we do not get to see one another very often, and we may go for periods of time without talking.

However, when we do get to see each other, it is like no time has passed. We pick right back up and go back to our usual activities and conversations.

If you and your best friend can do that, then that is a sign of true friendship. You can go back to how things were. You can catch up and go right back into the swing of things.

It is not awkward or hard to go back to what you were like before. That is the ultimate friendship goal and indicator that you have built a strong friendship. 

9. You Have Inside Jokes

Who does not love a good inside joke? They are the staple of every strong friendship, and they often emerge from weird and funny experiences that the two of you have experienced together.

If you and your friend have some inside jokes that you often refer to one another and confuse everyone else, then you have a true best friend.

They remember those fun and unique experiences that the two of you shared. That is a sign that they care about you and your friendship.

They can be simple ones or really weird ones. Either way, inside jokes are a clear sign of a true best friend. 

10. Your Family Treats them Like Family

This is absolutely true for my best friend. She is literally referred to as my Mom’s fourth daughter. So, if your parents, siblings, or any other family members treat your friend like family, then you know you have a best friend there.

If they invite them to family functions, vacations, wish them a happy birthday, if they treat your house like it is their house, etc, then you know that is a best friend.

Your family will not just welcome everyone with open arms, so that is a sign you have a true friend right there. 

11. Silences are Never Awkward

We all hate awkward silences. They can be painful and just weird. However, if you can sit in silence with your friend and it is not awkward, then that is a great sign.

The fact that you two can sit and just do your own thing, and not feel that the silence is weird or awkward, shows that you guys are real friends.

You can just sit and let the silence be. You may make a comment once in a while, but it is not necessary. To be able to beat the awkward silence proves you two are friends for life. 

12. You Can Be Completely Yourself 

Let’s be honest here, we can all be a little weird. We may be afraid to show that side of us sometimes. We may have a side of us that we only let out in private or when we are around people that we absolutely trust.

If you can let that show when you are around your friend, then that is a friendship goal. If you can talk about your favorite things, listen to music you may be embarrassed about, or just be you, then you have found your best friend for life. That is a rare person to find. 

13. They Make Time To See You

We can all get busy. Work, school, other obligations, and just life in general can fill up your schedule fast. So, if your friend carves out time, even if it is only a short period of time, to see you, then they are a keeper.

They do not have to do that, so if they take the time to make sure they see you, then they care about you and are investing time into your friendship.

That is something that you should appreciate and take note of. It can literally just be talking for a few minutes in between classes–that little bit goes a long way. And they know it too.  

14. They Push You To Do better

This next one is one that you may have not thought about. A true friend is one who pushes you to do better. They are someone who will push you to be the best version of yourself.

They will push you in school, work, hobbies, or maybe to find a better boyfriend!

Whatever the scenario, your friend is looking out for your best interests, and that is why they are pushing you. They know what you are capable of, and that is what they are pushing you to do.

They are not doing it to mean, they are just doing it to help you out. They are doing it because they care about you. 

15. You Are Genuinely Happy For One Another

This next friendship goal is one that should be obvious. If they are happy for you when you get a good grade, get a new job, promotion, win something, etc., and vice versa, then you two are true friends and have a strong friendship.

You can tell the difference between fake happiness and real happiness, and if they are genuinely happy then that is a great sign. If they cheer, clap, or give you a hug, then they are a real friend.

They are not just acting because they feel like they have to. Real friends are genuinely happy for you, and you are genuinely happy for them. 

16. You Tell Them Everything

It is nice to have someone that you can trust and talk about everything with. This also goes along with if you trust them with your secrets. If you feel comfortable enough to tell someone everything, then you two are in it for the long run.

You two are stuck with one another–that is what my friend and I always tell each other.

We know way too much about one another for us to ever not be friends. We know everything about each other, and that is dangerous.

But that also shows how much we trust each other. So, if you have a person like that, they are special. 

17. You Complete Each Other’s Sentences

This next one is a friendship goal for sure. Have you ever been so in sync with someone that you know what they are going to say before they say it? If you can do that with your friend, then you two are best friends for sure.

If you can complete their sentences and they can complete yours, then you two know each other so well that you are each other’s other half. You have spent so much time together that you can almost read each other’s minds. That is the ultimate friendship goal. 

18. They Know Your Schedule

This next one is especially true for my best friend/roommate and I. We keep up where one another is and what the other one has going on.

That way we can plan if we can get food together, watch our show, do work and just know where the other person is. It was like an unspoken thing that just happened.

We would just know the other’s class schedule and work around that and it just stuck. So, if you and your best friend keep track of the other’s schedule then you two obviously care about the other, which is a step towards being best friends and having a great and long lasting friendship.

You can also keep the other person accountable for being where they need to be, which is a plus. 

19. They Get You Thoughtful Gifts

With every weird and unique gift, there is usually a thoughtful gift to go along with it. It could be a clothing item they wanted or something related to their favorite show or music artist.

It could be something that symbolizes the friendship between the two of you.

Whatever it is, it will have some sort of significance to you or your friend. If they get you something extremely thoughtful and sentimental, then they are for sure the best friend ever.

They took the time to find something that they knew you would love. They remembered specific things about you and put thought and time into it. They would not do that for just anyone. 

20. They Try and Make You Happy When You Are Sad

A true friend will notice when you are sad and will try to make you happy. They will do whatever it takes to put a smile on your face. They will get your favorite snacks or put on your favorite show or movie.

They will tell your jokes, etc. They will do anything that they can think of to make you happy.

They hate to see you sad, and they will do anything to make sure that you are not sad for a long time. That is what a true friend does. They care about you and want to make sure you are happy. 

Related: 80 Best Sentimental Gifts for Best Friends – The Ultimate Guide


21. They Cheer You On 

This is one that can go with several points on this list. You want a friend who will cheer you on.

They cheer you on in life in general, if you play a sport, are in a competition if you have something big coming up, or whatever it may be. They will be your number one fan.

They will cheer loudly from the sidelines because they care about you and want you to succeed. That is what a best friend does. So, if your best friend is your number one cheerleader, that is a friendship goal for sure. 

22. Nothing is Off Limits

Okay, this next one is especially true for people who are friends for life. And this one is definitely true for my friends and me. We share everything.

We talk about whatever is on our minds, no matter what it is. It may be weird, gross, or confusing, but we talk about it. It may not be what the other person wants to hear, but nothing is off limits, so it is said.

If you have a friendship like that, you are for sure stuck with one another forever. You share everything, and some may say it is too much, but you do not care.

That is what friendships are for. You overshare and talk about weird things. This is a friendship goal! Who else would you do that with? 

23. Call You Out When Needed

In my opinion, this one is especially important. It also may not be a characteristic of friendship you would typically think about. But it is important to have someone to call you out when needed.

It does not have to be done harshly or in a mean way. It is simply calling you out when maybe you are being a bit harsh or judgmental. Maybe you were overstepping boundaries or not holding up your end of an agreement.

Whatever it is, having a friend who will call you out when you may not notice you are doing something is important and can be very beneficial.

You two can even talk about it and understand why they are calling you out. Communication is another important element of a strong friendship. 

24. You Share and Borrow Everything 

Okay, I think this next one is an obvious one. If you two share and borrow everything, then you two are definitely best friends. If you two practically share closets, there is no doubting your friendship.

You two share clothes, food, bags, and whatever else you could possibly share. At this point, you may be unsure what is yours and what is theirs.

But neither of you mind. You are happy to share and maybe get your items back. You two are together all the time, so it doesn’t even matter.

It started off small, but then you were eventually just walking into each other’s rooms taking stuff. But like true best friends, you love it. 

25. There is Mutual Trust

This one kind of embodies almost every item on this list. The basis of friendship is trust. You have to trust them, and they have to trust you. If there is no trust there, the friendship will not work. I know I trust my friends, and they hopefully trust me.

We can trust each other to listen, communicate, and be there when they are needed. . Trust is needed to make the friendship work. So, if you have that mutual trust, then you have a solid base to build a strong friendship out of. 

26. They Will Stand Up for You

In a best friend, you want someone who has your back. They will stand up for you when they need to. They will not let anyone take advantage of you or treat you wrongly.

They will stand up to whoever they need to because they are your friend. You should not be treated any less than the best. So, if your friend would do that for you, then they are the best friend ever, and that is a friendship goal. 

27. They Have to Approve of Whoever You Date

If your best friend is keeping an eye out for your best interest, then this will definitely apply to them. They want what is best for you, and that may mean approving of whoever you date.

It may not mean before the first date, but they will want to meet them at some point and give their opinion. They just want to make sure you are dating a good person.

They may grill them a bit, but they are just looking out for you. You may not like it at first, but you will appreciate it. 

28. You Can Converse Through Eye Contact

Okay, this next one is an ultimate friendship goal. If you and someone can master this, you are best friends for sure. If you can look at each other and be able to communicate without words, that takes skill.

You can know what the other person is saying based on the looks they give you. You can know what each look means and how to respond. That takes skill, practice, and time. If you have mastered that, then you are best friends for life. 

29. They Notice the Little Things

This may not be something you notice right away, but once you do, it will be completely obvious. They will notice if you change something small. Like if you wear your hair slightly differently or you seem a little off.

They will notice if you are not wearing a piece of jewelry or if you are wearing something different. They take notice of these things because they care and pay attention to you.

They like to spend time around you, so they notice when things are different. They also notice if you always do something the same or if you always have something with you. That is a friendship goal for sure. 

30. They Keep Their Promises

Keeping promises is an important trait that I look for in a friend. You should be able to count on them. If they promise to be somewhere or to do something, they better follow through.

If you can trust that your friend will keep their promises, then they are a best friend.

They will not let you down and will follow through with what they say they will do. That is a great, trustworthy best friend right there. Sometimes it can be hard to find people like that, so when you do, you need to keep them close. 

31. Being Around Them Makes You Happy, Not Drained

I know we all get exhausted when we are around people too much. We hit our people meter and just feel drained. It happens to everyone from time to time.

However, if you can be around your friend for hours on end and not feel that way, then that is a great sign. That means you can be around each other for hours and never get tired of one another.

That is something rare, but it can happen with your best friend. You love spending time with one another and can think of endless things to do and not feel drained or bored. You want to be around each other. That is a friendship goal. 

32. They are Your Go-To Person

Is your friend someone who you first choose to go to in every situation? If you need help, do you ask them? If you have news to share, do you tell them first? If so, then you have found your best friend.

That means you care about their reaction, and you know that you can count on them.

They will help you, listen, give advice, run errands with you–whatever you may need. They care about you and want to help you. They want to be the person that you can count on.

That is a true best friend and a sign that you two have built a strong friendship. 

33. You Can Speak Your Mind

We all have some crazy ideas, thoughts, and opinions from time to time. We may just need to get these thoughts out and just say them to whoever will listen.

Your best friend should be the person you can speak your mind to. I know I tend to go on rants and rambles to my friends.

They will listen and not usually say much but just let me say whatever I need to say. I feel better after.

That is the kind of friend you should look for. When you can do that, you have found your best friend. 

34. They Are In Your Future

I am sure that you have imagined what your future would look like. What job you would have, where you would live, if you would have kids, etc. Now, have you imagined a specific friend being there?

Have you thought about if the person you consider your best friend right now would be in your future? Because if they are your best friend, you have.

They are someone you picture being in your life forever. You may live close to each other or not. But you at least keep in touch, talk often, visit one another, etc.

If the friendship is strong, you will stay in touch no matter what happens. That is the ultimate friendship goal. It will not be easy, but you two are strong enough to get through it. 

35. They are The First Person You Call

This is a friendship goal for sure. They are the person you call to share good news with. They are the person you call when you need help.

They are the person you call to rant, when you want to share a story, or when you just want to talk to someone.

They are that person. That is a true best friend. You know they will answer the phone. You know they will listen, give you advice, help you out– whatever they need to do.

That is a great and important person to have. That is a special person you want by your side for years. 

36. They Will Go Along With Your Crazy Ideas

Now, we may have all come up with a crazy plan or idea at some point. We may have come up with a crazy night out, game, or something like that.

A real friend will go along with that. They will humor it, work out how to do it, and maybe even give it a go.

They may be doubtful or question that it will work, but they will help you out. They are your partner in crime and number one cheerleader, so they will stand by you.

They will also help come up with a new idea when the original one may not work. 

37. You Love and Hate the Same People

Okay, this next one may not be a must, but it is nice. If you two love and hate the same people, then you two can bond over that. You two can bond over loving the same music artists, actors, etc.

You two can bond over disliking the same person, whether it be someone in your lives, or a singer or actor.

Whatever it may be, that is something that you two can have in common. Also, it should be something that you two both genuinely have opinions on.

It should not be one of you who decides to like or hate someone just because the other does. That would be ingenuine and not a natural friendship. 

38. They Know All of Your Favorite Things

This next one should be an obvious friendship goal. Someone who is your best friend should be able to name off at least a few of your favorite things. They can name your favorite food, drink, music artist, show, or movie.

These are things about you that they can tell to other people.

They can use these to find birthday gifts for you. They can get you your favorite food when you are sad or need to pick me up.

It just shows that they are paying attention to you when you two are together. It shows that they care about you and your friendship. 

39. They Accept Your Differences

No one is the same person. Everyone has their own beliefs, ideas, opinions, likes, and dislikes. Everyone is able to be themselves.

If someone is your best friend, they will accept your differences. They will not try to change your opinions and thoughts.

You can talk about your differences and accept that you two are different, and that is okay. I know me and my best friends do not have the same opinions and thoughts on everything.

That is okay. That does not change our friendship. That is the friendship goal. 

40. You Can be Vulnerable Around Them

Being vulnerable can be hard. You do not want that side of you to ever show. But sometimes, things happen, and it can be hard to not let that side out.

If someone is your best friend, then you can feel comfortable being vulnerable. You feel like you can let that side out.

You can put the embarrassment aside and let all the emotions out. A true friend will not judge for it. They will be there for you and let you do what you need to do. That is a true friend and another sign of a strong friendship. 

Related: 30 Long Distance Friendship Gifts To Express Your Gratitude

20 Tips to Become a Good Friend

41. Be A Good Listener

If you remember any tips from this list, this should be the one that you remember. In order to be a good friend, you have to listen. You have to listen to them when they share their concerns, when they tell stories, when they talk about their favorite things, etc.

When you listen, you show that you care. You show that you care about them and their friendship. You can ask them about what they talked about, and you can use the conversations later on. You will get to know your friend better. That is what a friend does. They open their ears and listen. 

42. Keep Their Secrets

This next tip is important in building trust in a friendship. A friend needs to be able to trust you, and that means that they can trust you to keep their secrets. That is very important. If they tell you something, you have to keep it to yourself.

No matter what happens. They are trusting you with that information, and that is a big deal. If you do not keep that to yourself, you are breaking their trust, and that will ruin the bond that you two have already built. So keep your lips sealed. 

43. Be Honest 

Honesty is always the best policy. That is also true in friendships. You need to be honest with your friend. You need to be able to tell them if you are upset about something, if something happened, if something they did upset you, etc.

It can be hard sometimes because sometimes the truth is hard to say. However, if you two want friendship goals, then you have to be honest with one another.

You need to speak up and tell the truth. It does not have to be in a mean way. You can say it nicely and still get the point across. 

44. Be Willing to Work Through conflict

Everyone fights from time to time. Yes, even friends fight. What is important is that you solve the conflict in a healthy way. You two must calmly talk to one another. You two share your sides and talk through the disagreement.

You may need a third person there to mediate, and that is okay. What is important is that you do not ignore each other or the conflict. That would not be healthy.

You need to solve problems and be open to hearing the other person’s side. A friendship will not work if you are selfish and ignore conflict. That is not healthy. 

45. Encourage Your Friend

Just like they are your number one supporter, you need to be their number one supporter. You encourage them to be the best version of themselves. You help them succeed and help them in whatever way you can.

You encourage them to go out for that new job or promotion. You encourage them to do well in school. You just stand by their side and cheer them on.

That is what friends do. They are a cheerleader, supporter, helper, and encouragement. That is your role as a best friend. 

46. Pay Attention to The Little Things

Sometimes it is the little things to matter. Noticing if they are wearing something new, if they changed up something if they have something they wear or bring with them every day. Maybe you notice if they seem off or happy.

That shows you pay attention enough and care to notice those small things. It can simply just take note of something and mention it casually. It does not have to be made into a big deal. 

47. Make Time for Each Other

This one should be an obvious one. Friends need to make time for one another. And I do not mean you have to spend every day together and spend hours upon hours together.

I mean, just simply making sure you have some time to see each other from time to time.

It can just be grabbing coffee or lunch and talking for an hour. It can be a call to catch up. It can be just stopping for a few minutes to say hello and see how they are doing.

It does not have to be a big extravagant day out together. It is just showing you care about the other person and want to make sure they are doing okay. 

48. Ask Them What They Need

Now, this next tip can mean a few things. This can literally mean, ask them if they need anything. Do they need you to grab something? Do they need help with something for school or work?

Do they need to talk to you? Whatever it may be. It can also mean checking and seeing what they need from this friendship. Do they need you to call them every day? Do they want to have weekly hangouts?

Do they just want some space? Whatever it is, it needs to be communicated. The worst thing would be a friendship failing because what one person wanted was not achieved.

Make sure to check with them and make sure you are doing what they need from a friend. And if you are struggling with that, make sure to communicate that as well. 

49. Understand and Respect Boundaries

Understanding boundaries is important. It is important in any relationship but especially in a friendship. Everyone has their own boundaries and what they are comfortable with. Make sure you know what your friend’s boundaries are.

There may be things they may not feel comfortable sharing or things they may not want to do. Like if they are afraid of heights, they may not want to go somewhere that means going up high.

They may not want to talk to you about something that happened in the past just yet. That is okay. You can set your boundaries as well and make them clear to your friend. Then you two can work around those and have fun together. Of course, that is the ultimate goal. 

50. Check-in on Them

This next one is especially important. We all get busy, that is understandable. However, what is not is forgetting about your friends. This is why this next tip is to make sure you check in on your friend.

No matter how busy you get, a simple text or call to make sure they are okay is needed. If you haven’t heard from them in a while, that is your cue to check-in.

Just a simple, “how are you doing?” text works. It does not have to be extravagant. Just something to show that you care about them still. 

51. Be Supportive

These goes along with encouraging your friend. Everyone wants someone who will support them throughout whatever they do. So you should be that person for your friend.

Support them in their career adventures, travel plans, sports, school–whatever it may be. Stand by their side and cheer them on. Help them out however you can. They will appreciate it for sure. Plus, a supportive friend is definitely a friendship goal. 

52. Show Empathy

Everyone goes through something hard sometimes. That means at some point your friend will probably go through a rough time. It could be small, or it could affect them a lot. What is important is that you stick by them and be there for them.

Do not try to know it all and fix it all, just be their shoulder to cry on. Show some empathy. If they need you to do something, they will tell you. That is what friends are for. It is great that you want to fix things, but sometimes, it is better to just be there. 

53. Communicate

This is another tip that I feel should be a bit obvious. Almost every tip on this list goes back to communication, so it is important for building strong friendships. Without communication, no relationship–especially a friendship–would be successful.

Communication allows you to make clear what you need, what they need, if they are happy, sad, mad, if they are okay, etc.

Without communication, everything would fall apart. So, make sure there is clear communication from both ends. If you do not communicate, the friendship will not work. 

54. Always Keep In Touch

This one will come into play as you two get older and get busier and/or move away from one another. If you want to stay friends and stay connected, you have to keep in touch. It is that simple. It does not have to be every day or anything complicated.

A simple check-in text, a video chat, sending a birthday gift in the mail, or a call every once in a while is all it takes. It shows that you still care about the other person and have not forgotten about them.

They understand that life can get busy, but they still want to know you are thinking about them. 

55. Apologize When You Need to

This one goes along with being able to resolve conflict. Sometimes, you are in the wrong. Maybe you said or did something wrong, and it upset your friend. It is important to acknowledge what you said or did and apologize. And it has to be a genuine apology.

They can tell if it is fake. So do not try and do a half-hearted apology. Keep it simple. Acknowledge what happened, and say, “I’m sorry.” Trust me, it will help things move forward a lot easier and faster if you do so. 

56. Be a Shoulder to Cry On

This is another one that connects to a previous tip. This one connects to being able to show empathy. When your friend is upset, you need to be able to shoulder to cry on. Someone they can lean on, vent to, and cry to.

You should be that person. You can let them be upset. Do not try to fix what happened. Provide the ice cream, junk food, trashy TV and movies. You do not have to be the super friend to fix everything. Just be there, and let them heal. 

57. Defend Your Friend When They are Not Around

You may not encounter this one very often, but if you do, this is something you should be aware of. If someone is gossiping about your friend or trying to put them down, you should be able to defend them. It does not have to be done meanly or harshly.

You can just simply ask them to stop and tell them it is not true. You do not have to fight or start arguments. Just simply defend them when they cannot stand up for themselves. 

58. Create New and Fun Activities to Do Together

This next one is a fun and exciting tip and friendship goal. Sometimes it can be boring doing the same activities again and again. You may get bored eating at the same places, going to the same places, watching movies, etc.

So, if you are creative, you can come up with something new and fun to do.

You can research things, create your own, mix things together, etc. You can even work together to come up with something new to do together. It may not be successful, but you can experience it together.

Maybe it is trying out a new restaurant, going to a new arcade, or trying a new craft or hobby. Whatever it might be, this is a fun and new unique experience. 

59. Remember Important Dates

This one should be an obvious one as well. If you are going to be a good friend, you need to remember important dates.

You need to remember their birthday, if they invite you to something, or if you agree to do something on a certain date like a concert or carnival. So, however, you want to remember them, you need to make sure you use it.

You can write them down in a planner, put them in your phone, or put them in a physical calendar. Trust me, you do not want to be caught not remembering something like their birthday.

It will not end well. It will definitely cause issues in your friendship. So, make sure that does not happen.  

60. Give Meaningful Gifts

The final tip on this list is to give meaningful gifts. This one is one that I definitely try to do with my friends. I always try to give at least one gift with their birthday and Christmas present that has some meaning to it.

I try to incorporate something we have talked about, one of their favorite things, etc.

This is something that any friend will absolutely appreciate. It is something that will show you care and help grow your friendship. So, you should take the time to search for a gift that has a meaningful element to it.

It does not have to be expensive, but it should have some thought behind it. It is a necessary friendship goal. 

Related: 55 Amazing Christmas Gift Ideas for Best Friends – The Complete Guide

Final Thoughts of Friendship Goals

When you find a friend, that person stands out. When you find a friend that you trust, can talk to about anything, is always there for you, and that you can 100% be yourself around, you want to keep them around. 

They are someone you want by your side no matter what. That is why I hope at least some of the information in this article is helpful. It will help you know who that special friend is.

If you have not found that person yet, that is okay. Now you know what to look for in that person. You also now know what you can do to be the best friend that you can be.

You two will become ultimate friendship goals and build a strong friendship. You will be the set of friends that everyone wants to be. 

Like I mentioned before, every friendship is different. You have to look at each friendship individually and know what will work and what won’t. However, as long as you both put in equal work, it will all work out in the end.

You will have the person who will be by your side no matter what: your best friend. 




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