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40 Best Books About Learning and Studying – The 2025 Student Guide

Are you trying to improve your learning style and study techniques? Check out the best books about learning and studying.

Kendall Shirvan



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What makes a great student is more than just natural smarts. Good students know how to learn correctly and often perform specific habits to help them retain information.

You have to learn how to learn before you can be successful. I find this especially true whenever I start a new course.

I never know what to expect from a professor—how they’ll lead lectures or how much homework, quizzes or tests I’ll have.

So, I have to find the best way to learn for my classes. On a larger scale, becoming a good student is more than succeeding in individual classes.

Perfecting study habits like the specific way you color code your notes and structure your study guides comes with practice and advice from others.

Once you learn what works for you, learning becomes straightforward and fun. Personally, for me, books have been life-changing.

There are so many books out there that can help you make improvements to your learning style and study techniques.

That is why I have compiled the best list of books about learning and studying.

Whether you are trying to sharpen your study habits. improve your memory, or get inspiration, there is certainly one book on this list that will be perfect for you.

Table of Contents: 

Best Books on Learning

Best Books on Study Habits

Best Books on Memory Techniques

Best Inspirational Books

Best Leadership Books

Best Books about Life in Your 20s

Best Books on Learning

Make It Stick by Henry L. Roediger III, Mark A. McDaniel and Peter C Brown

Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning

Successful learning is a practiced skill. In Make It Stick, the authors utilize the learning methods of an array of participants (such as students, doctors and more) to describe how we learn.

This book on learning is an enjoyable read and one that is backed up by research. This book is clear and concise in explaining exactly how the human brain learns and the best ways to improve our skills.

The authors argue that there are many bad ways to learn. Based on scientific research of how the brain learns, the authors describe the approaches we should take to capitalize on learning.


How to Learn Almost Anything in 48 Hours by Tansel Ali

How to Learn Almost Anything in 48 Hours: The Skills You Need to Work Smarter, Study Faster, and Remember More!

Many times in our university career, we will need to learn things fast. Whether it be that we forgot about an upcoming quiz or missed a lecture and need to catch up on reading quickly, honing our speed-learning skills is a good tool to have in your belt.

Author Tansel Ali is a three-time Australian Memory Champion. In her book How to Learn Almost Anything in 48 Hours, Ali chronicles her secrets to quick learning.

Learn memory strategies like mind mapping and mnemonic devices. When I study for an exam and it comes time to take the test, I sometimes close my eyes and visualize a term I need the definition for based on how it appears on my study guide.

Practicing these habits can help improve your learning skills before an exam or lead to a generally improved memory!


What Smart Students Know by Adam Robinson

What Smart Students Know: Maximum Grades. Optimum Learning. Minimum Time.

Smart students are successful students. I hear all the time how frustrating it is that someone's friend doesn’t have to study but achieves straight A’s in their classes.

That was never the case for me. To be a successful student, I had to become a smart learner. Some students perform better without putting in as much work.

This is due to how effective their learning is. Smart students, as Adam Robinson describes, are successful students because they learn efficiently.

Implementing the techniques Robinson recommends in his book on learning will take time, but with practice, it will become second nature. Putting in the work Robinson recommends will bring you to the core of learning, and pay off in the long term.


Learning How to Learn by Barbara Oakley PhD and Terrence Sejnowski PhD

Learning How to Learn: How to Succeed in School Without Spending All Your Time Studying; A Guide for Kids and Teens

Though this book is a guide geared toward kids and teens, it warrants a spot on this list because learning how to learn is a skill to constantly improve, no matter your age.

I especially recommend a book that is geared toward a younger audience because these learning skills and habits can act as beginning steps. As a college student, I can say that our time is precious.

Turning to a book on learning such as this one is a practical way to begin improving your skills.

That is not to say that the techniques described are not grounded in science, because Oakley and Sejnowski do base their writing on neuroscience research. Try out the different learning strategies described until you find what works best for you!


Uncommon Sense Teaching by Barbara Oakley PhD, Beth Rogowsky EdD, and Terrence Sejnowski PhD

Uncommon Sense Teaching: Practical Insights in Brain Science to Help Students Learn

From the same authors of Learning How to Learn comes a new book on learning.

In Uncommon Sense Teaching, Oakley and Sejnowski, along with Rogowsky, illustrate neuroscience-based techniques in understanding how students learn, and what methods of teaching compliments the best kind of learning.

As a student, there is much we can do to control how we learn. However, we also have to adapt to the changing teaching styles of our professors.

This book illustrates an insight into ways professors can teach to improve student comprehension. In college, we have to become mini masters on specific subjects every four months.

Many factors play in how well we comprehend the information we are overloaded with. This book illustrates how teachers can support their student’s learning styles, and how students can retain the information they learn.


The Mind is Flat by Nick Chater

The Mind Is Flat: The Remarkable Shallowness of the Improvising Brain

Unlike the other books on learning, describing tangible habits to improve your learning skills, The Mind is Flat will completely deconstruct your perception of your own mind.

In this psychoanalytical investigation, Chater argues that our mind makes decisions and holds motivations based on past experiences.

While many believe the assumption that our subconscious is what guides our brain—that we have a mental depth that describes us to our core—Chater describes the opposite.

He says our brain is shallow—that we can improvise and change, because the brain improvises reactions and behaviors based on reconstructing experiences of our past.

I could never describe how eloquently Chater theorizes about the brain, only that mine exploded in considering his perceptions and research on the brain.

Essentially, Chater describes the brain for what it is, the science that makes us the way we are. While this read will not explicitly tell you the best way to study for your next test, it offers a much larger perspective to understanding our brain.

And that, of course, is the first step to improving our mind.


Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

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Best Books on Study Habits

How to Become a Straight-A Student by Cal Newport

How to Become a Straight-A Student: The Unconventional Strategies Real College Students Use to Score High While Studying Less

Not many professors, guidance counselors, academic advisors and tutors are going to advise that the best way to study is not to study hard, but to study smart.

However, Newport takes on this approach. To study successfully as a college student, Newport recognizes that all-nighters and cramming sessions are the norm.

But instead of drenching your study session in anxiety-induced coffee runs, Newport offers solutions on how to study smart and study easy.

I am a firm believer in quality over quantity, and that applies to studying. The tactics Newport describes in his book on learning shows how to maximize efficiency when studying to retain more information while also ensuring terrific performances on exams.


The Study Skills Handbook by Stella Cottrell

The Study Skills Handbook (Macmillan Study Skills)

Stella Cottrell has over twenty years of experience working with students. In her book on learning The Study Skills Handbook, she outlines different ways students can improve on their study habits.

Cottrell understands that all students are different and will have different learning skills and ways they like to learn. As someone who always loved to draw and paint, I am a natural visual learner.

I can visualize my study guides and learn best from diagrams and charts, rather than reading a textbook for hours. Cottrell takes this approach in her book to describe ways each type of student can improve their grades through study.

The book is interactive, with helpful images, lists and questions to keep you motivated. It can either be read cover to cover, or pick and choose sections that make sense for you.


Study Smart, Study Less by Anne Crossman

Study Smart, Study Less: Earn Better Grades and Higher Test Scores, Learn Study Habits That Get Fast Results, and Discover Your Study Persona

Anne Crossman advises students on the best ways to study in her book Study Smart, Study Less. This book chronicles easy-to-learn techniques for studying better, such as creating a study group.

In one of my history classes, we would play review games before a test. I would always review my study guide before these games hoping to win (because I’m that competitive).

In turn, I’ve retained a lot of information from this class based on this study strategy. Another great study strategy that Crossman recommends is discussion groups.

Getting together with another group of students outside class is a great way to solidify the information you are learning, and be more productive.


How to Win at College by Cal Newport

How to Win at College: Surprising Secrets for Success from the Country's Top Students

Another book by Cal Newport, How to Win at College is the best guide for an incoming first-year student. At this stage, you have no idea what to expect from your university or your courses.

But there’s some unspoken rule where you don’t want to have to admit that you have no idea what is about to happen.

To come into college with that extra bit of confidence in what to expect when you have no idea what is going on, this book on learning is the perfect guide.

Whether you’re one to always have a tedious plan, or a go with the flow kind of person, this book will prepare you on living your best and most successful college life.


College Rules! by Sherrie Nist-Olejnik and Jodi Patrick Holschuh

College Rules!, 4th Edition: How to Study, Survive, and Succeed in College

This is another great book for first year students and doubles as a genius graduation gift! This book offers the cold, hard truth about what to expect in college.

By discussing the unofficial-official rules on how to conduct yourself in your classes, this book recalls how to maximize your college experience.

One of my favorite sections of this book is how to handle an upcoming exam week (or, stress week).

Usually, midterms and finals are when you’ll have a stress week—a time when all of your tests, papers, projects and presentations fall in the same week. Following the advice of the authors, you’ll be able to manage your stress week by prioritizing certain study habits.


Study with Me by Jasmine Shao, Alyssa Jagan

Study with Me: Effective Bullet Journaling Techniques, Habits, and Hacks To Be Successful, Productive, and Organized - With Special Strategies for Mathematics, Science, History, Languages, and More

Improving your study habits occurs in more places than just before you study for an exam. Authors Shao and Jagan take on the perspective of improving your note taking style to better absorb information and study effectively.

Shao and Jagan utilize bullet journaling to improve note taking. I am well versed in bullet journaling—having kept one before and attended talks on the benefits of bullet journaling.

I’ve never considered this form of journaling as a way to take notes for class, however, Shao and Jagan explain how easy it is to adapt.

Bullet journaling is a way to organize your time and schedule through to-do lists, habit tracking, goal-setting, and more.

Expanding your bullet journal to note taking is a way to improve your organization and study skills all in one. This is a great book on learning for people who like to get creative when they study!


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Best Books on Memory Techniques

How to Remember Everything by Jacob Sager Weinstein, Odd Dot, Barbara Malley (Illustrator)

How to Remember Everything: Tips & Tricks to Become a Memory Master!

This memory book is intended to help kids learn to memorize dates, names and more. However, some of the strategies can be elevated to apply to improving our own memories!

I have a really bad memory and most of the time I forget what things I’ve done, like if I was there for a certain event or memory with friends.

This book on learning offers fun and unique memory games to help strengthen your memory. The book has fun illustrations and easy-to-explain steps to practice memorization skills. It’s the perfect book to help practice improving your memory in all areas.


The Neuroethics of Memory by Walter Glannon

The Neuroethics of Memory: From Total Recall to Oblivion

When I am first trying to understand a concept, I always turn to the how and why. How do we create memories? How are memories stored?

Why can I remember my phone number, but not what I did for dinner last week? The Neuroethics of Memory is the perfect book to explain the science of memory.

Additionally, this book deals with the downfalls of memory and certain ethical lines of forgetting. This book is thought provoking and highlights the darker side of memory, when you really can’t remember.

This is a great read for college students interested in how memory can work for and against us.


How to Develop a Brilliant Memory Toolkit by Dominic O’Brien

How to Develop a Brilliant Memory Toolkit: Tips, Tricks and Techniques to Remember Names, Words, Facts, Figures, Faces and Speeches

In order to boost your memory and recall skills, utilize the step-by-step guide to create your memory tool kit. The kit is comprised of three sections.

First, the explanation of memory techniques. Second, a memory journey map that uses mental association for recall. And third, a set of flashcards for memory exercises.

Improving your memory is both learning these techniques and applying the practice. As a college student, practicing these memory tricks can help you to retain more information in lectures and help you prepare for presentations and speeches as well!


Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer

Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything

Moonwalking with Einstein is a beautiful story of memory. Joshua Foer chronicles his quest to improve his own memory. Relying on ancient tactics of remembering stories, modern research and distinguished techniques,

Foer goes on a journey to strengthen his mind. This book isn’t about teaching you to improve your own memory skills, rather it teaches you how to appreciate your memory and how we create memories.

In college, you are going to spend a lot of time reading things you probably did not want to have to read.

In your free time, you’re going to want to pick up a book that will not only teach you something new intellectually, but also teach you something about yourself.


Memory Tips & Tricks by Calistoga Press

Memory Tips & Tricks: The Book of Proven Techniques for Lasting Memory Improvement

Calistoga Press relates improving your memory as a work out for your brain. Like any other muscle, your brain requires exercise and practice to be at its peak performance.

Practicing your memory skills will help you retain more information and be able to recall information when needed. This book on learning explains seven exercises that are supported by research to improve your memory.

Additionally, the book explains how we store and recall memory, the difference between short and long-term memory and memory recall. The book also explains how things like diet, caffeine, sleep cycles, stress and more can all affect your memory.


Unlimited Memory by Kevin Horsley

Unlimited Memory: How to Use Advanced Learning Strategies to Learn Faster, Remember More and be More Productive

Horsley argues that improving your memory can create a positive impact on your productivity. He states that many people do not tap into the full capability of their memory.

The book explains that by practicing to concentrate and focus your attention, you can improve your memory and recall. One memory method you can explore in this book is a technique for remembering names.

Another memory method will help you remember lists without having to write one down. Lastly, this book on learning explains what bad habits are disturbing your ability to improve your memory.


The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

This book has seriously changed my perception of memory, and what it means to hold memories. This beautiful work of fiction follows the life of Addie LaRue, who sold her soul to the darkness for total freedom.

Her freedom granted her eternal life, but cost her the inability to leave a mark. She can’t write her name, no one remembers her after conversations end and she can’t hold possessions.

Throughout this tale, Addie learns how she can leave her mark. Though this book won’t teach you about memory tips and tricks; it will highlight the importance of memories, and how special it is to be remembered.

I shed many tears on this beautiful work, and I sincerely hope you read it and enjoy it as I have. For college students so unsure of the direction they’re heading in, enjoy the tale of someone who lived many lives with many faces and hopefully find clarity within yourself.


Best Inspirational Books

Everything Is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

Everything Is Figureoutable

The four years you spend in college are meant to be the ones where you figure out what you want to do with your life. You are meant to find your passion and a job that will guide you for the rest of your life.

But life is not just a straight path for us to follow along. Our passions change, our goals change and we change.

This book is the perfect inspiration for what to do when you realize the path you’re going on is no longer the one you want to take.

With the mindset that you can do anything you set your mind to, Everything Is Figureoutable is a wonderful, humorous read on how to overcome whatever is holding you back.


Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual by Luvvie Ajayi Jones

Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual

One of the biggest obstacles in the way of achieving our goals is fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failing and fear of disappointment.

As a rising third-year university student, fear of adulthood and “real life” is becoming more and more prominent. This fear holds us back.

In order to overcome this fear, author Luvvie Ajayi Jones says we have to become professional troublemakers. We have to recognize fear when it manifests and push through it anyways.

Professional Troublemaker is a great read for those of us in need of that push forward. It’s comforting to realize that we are not alone in our fear.


I Used to Have a Plan by Alessandra Olanow

I Used to Have a Plan: But Life Had Other Ideas

Combining hilariously real one-liners and beautifully illustrated graphics, Alessandra Olanow describes the tumultuous journey when things don’t go quite as we planned—and how to work through the process of putting ourselves back together.

The book is structured in five parts detailing the stages you go through when dealing with a traumatic experience. It is full of vulnerable admissions—the ones we don’t even want to admit to ourselves.

Olanow shows us how we can process difficult times and come out on top.

Whether you’ve just had your heart broken for the first time, are in the process of changing your major, or didn’t get that internship you were hoping for, I Used to Have a Plan is the perfect combination of advice and admissions for college students in need of a heartfelt and uplifting read.


Becoming by Michelle Obama


From the former First Lady of the United States comes an inspirational tale of reflections. In her memoir Becoming, Michelle Obama recounts the experiences that shaped her into the powerhouse superwoman we know her as today.

Obama details her experiences growing up a young girl in Chicago, balancing motherhood and maintaining her own professional aspirations alongside her husband.

For as long as I can remember, my family has always encouraged me to go out into the world and make a difference. But no one tells you how difficult it is to really leave our mark—and how to do it.

Becoming is the complex tale of coming into your own. Obama reiterates that we are all a work in progress and so is the world around us.


How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell

How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy

The more I come into the real world of adulthood, the more I realize I know absolutely nothing about the financial world. The economy? Stocks?

Managing bills and understanding the impact of my technological footprint? These are the things I never learned in school—and only business majors can probably understand.

Jenny Odell writes How to Do Nothing to make us think about the world around us and how we see ourselves in it. Our attention is a commodity—a juicy feast to keep capitalism fed.

Odell critiques capitalism and the notion that we are useless in the world if our attention is not fixated on profit.

How to Do Nothing is a book for college students wanting to understand the outside world a little more, and have a pension for dismantling the system.


You Are Awesome by Neil Pasricha

You Are Awesome: How to Navigate Change, Wrestle with Failure, and Live an Intentional Life (Book of Awesome Series, The)

Nothing is going to protect us from failure. And if you’ve never failed at anything, it’s because you’ve never taken risks. Dealing with failure has become a failure in itself.

But Neil Paricha, bestselling author and popular TED speaker, is here to help us build resilience in the face of failure. When the comforting thing to do is curl up in bed and watch comfort movies, (personally, I go for “The Avengers”)

Pasricha is here to help us build thick skin. Bad things are going to happen, but it’s how you deal with them and move forward that is the true test of strength.

This book on learning to push through failure is a candid view on how to make big changes. Nothing good ever comes easy.


Read This for Inspiration by Ashly Perez

Read This for Inspiration: Simple Sparks to Ignite Your Life

Social media runs the world and it runs our lives, according to Ashly Perez. Perez, a former Buzzfeed writer and personality turned television writer and artist, shares how she empowers herself outside of the suffocating grasp of her cell phone.

Read This for Inspiration is Perez’ response to what she termed ‘phone fatigue’—that immediate reach for your phone first thing in the morning and last thing at night and the endless scrolling and comparing yourself to others online.

I love that this book is such a real life read for Gen Z college students. Each entry has a tag that indicates what the story will relate to: creativity, body image, self-care and more.

Perez doesn’t shy away from difficult topics, and writes snippet paragraphs of inspiration. This book is meant for the younger generation who grew up with their eyes glued to the television.


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Best Leadership Books

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

The 48 Laws of Power

Everyone enjoys having control. I love thinking that I have the power to control the outcome of situations, and although it is unrealistic to control everything, that hasn’t stopped me from trying.

For those wanting to understand control, to gain it or reject it, this book is for you. Author Robert Greene researched the history of power to condense 48 rules of the game of power.

Understanding power and how it works is the first step in controlling it to your will. Anyone can call themselves a leader, but a real leader is someone who has something their followers don’t, hence why their followers are willing to follow them.

The 48 Laws of Power is a great read for people looking to play the power game.


Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

In order to become great at anything, start by looking at how other people have achieved your goals in the past. Simon Sinek details how great leaders maintained their leadership—and the characteristics they all possessed.

In this study of powerful leaders comes an understanding of how to communicate in the same way.

Sinek discovered that all great leaders have something in common in the way they act and conduct themselves that no one else has.

Sinek deems this The Golden Circle, the foundation of building a successful organization. Understanding what an organization does is one thing, but understanding why they do it is the key to succeeding in leadership.


The Servant Leader’s Manifesto by Omar L. Harris

The Servant Leader's Manifesto

The Servant Leader’s Manifesto is just that—a manifesto. It is a book on learning how to change.

The cover of the book features the inverted pyramid—an organizational structure that favors the people working directly with consumers as the head of the table, and executive board members on the bottom.

The goal of the inverted pyramid business structure is to listen to the people that work directly with consumers—they are the salespeople, the baristas and the customer service workers.

Author Omar L. Harris chronicles the end of ego-driven leadership and instead favors leadership that gives power to the workers.


Leadership Is Language: The Hidden Power of What You Say–and What You Don’t by L. David Marquet

Leadership Is Language: The Hidden Power of What You Say--and What You Don't

The tried and true leadership model—where a leader makes every decision fast, efficiently and solves problems on their own—is gone, according to author L. David Marquet.

Instead, the best leadership relies on a team to get things done. Many people fall victim to the idea of total power and control when leading others.

Marquet postulates that in order for leaders to truly succeed, they must acknowledge their limitations and turn to their peers for support.

Oftentimes, leaders get in their own way when they can’t turn to others for collaboration. The next time you find yourself working on a team project, be sure to turn to this book on learning how to conduct yourself and your role within your short-term team.


The Truth about Leadership by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner

The Truth about Leadership: The No-fads, Heart-of-the-Matter Facts You Need to Know

The Truth about Leadership is the perfect book to understanding leadership—the good, the bad and the truth. James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner reveal the biggest facts every leader needs to know.

Based on decades of research, the book explores fundamental facts of leadership to offer advice. One truth they discuss is putting personal values at the forefront of your leadership style.

Instead of conforming to a group identity when you lead, the best leaders share their values and expertise in order to succeed.

This is a great read for college students getting ready to graduate and helps prepare them to enter jobs with professional companies.


Find Your Leadership Voice In 90 Days by Kadi Cole

Find Your Leadership Voice In 90 Days : How to show up, speak up, and stand out with confidence.

Not every leader will take the same approach, and different leadership styles can be successful for people in different situations.

Experienced leaders will give you advice on what made them successful, but what worked for them might not work for you. One leader may be more dictatorial than another and some more collaborative.

In Find Your Leadership Voice in 90 Days, author Kadi Cole details insight on how to step into your own leadership style.

Geared toward the feminine perspective, Cole advises new leaders how to speak with confidence, advocate for their goals and maintain lasting results.


The Power of a Graceful Leader by Alexsys Thompson

The Power of a Graceful Leader

We hold many different roles in our lives. We are friends, coworkers, neighbors, artists, doctors, professionals and ourselves.

In each role, we hold different positions of power, of expertise and responsibilities, and each individual conducts themselves differently within the same role.

Alexsys Thompson understands that we have different roles to play, and understanding who you are in these roles is the first step to becoming the best leader you can be.

Thompson challenges readers to become compassionate leaders through an internal journey of getting to know themselves.


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Best Books about Life in Your 20s

The Her Campus Guide to College Life by Stephanie Kaplan Lewis, Annie Chandler Wang, Windsor Hanger Western, and Her Campus Editors

The Her Campus Guide to College Life: How to Manage Relationships, Stay Safe and Healthy, Handle Stress, and Have the Best Years of Your Life

Two years into my time in college, there are some things I wish I knew before starting my first semester.

What times to avoid the rush at the library, how early to start studying for finals, setting boundaries with roommates and building friendships that last to name a few.

This guide for life on campus is the perfect manual for any woman wanting to expect the unexpected in college. Surviving the first week was the worst experience for me and I wish I had this book to ease my anxiety at the time.

What I love about Her Campus is that it is run by college women who know exactly what it is you need to hear, and what you need to figure out on your own.


Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erikson

Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behavior and How to Effectively Communicate with Each in Business (and in Life)

I absolutely adore Thomas Erikson’s voice in this book. Surrounded by Idiots is the perfect book to quell concerns when you feel like the most competent person in the room.

As a perfectionist, I expect things to be done a certain way. My personality type works well for me, but can clash with others.

Learning how to manage your personality with others is precisely the goal of this book. Erikson details how to communicate with people that have completely different personalities than you.

He describes four personalities and gives insight on how to work with each type of person. This is a hilarious read that will leave you feeling confident and assured.


F*ck! I’m in My Twenties by Emma Koenig

F*ck! I'm in My Twenties

It’s the oh no moment. The moment you realize—oh no—you’re an adult.

Sure, you’ve been an adult since turning 18, but your 20s are the time when you live on your own for the first time, and when you have to pay your own bills and buy your own groceries.

You work a full time job and handle real-world problems. From Emma Koenig comes the truthful admissions of someone just trying to figure out how the heck life works.

This book acts as a stress-relieving journal with interactive pages dedicated to ridiculous checklists and doodles. Koenig takes on a voice as the journal so it feels like you're spilling secrets to an old friend. It is a cathartic way of processing real life.


Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion by Jia Tolentino

Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion

When you enter your 20s, you are essentially entering the real world. Emerging from our young adulthood into ourselves as mature adults takes shape in more facets of our lives than just one.

So yes, our 20s are about discovering who we are and what we want to do with our life, but another question we must grapple with is discovering how we perceive the world around us and how we fit into it.

Jia Tolentino critically examines the last decade of culture in a collection of essays. She discusses everything from religion, sexual assault, feminism, music and more to offer a voice to her generation.

This is a great read for young adults, with Tolentino forcing readers to critically think about the world around them.


I Will Teach You How To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Second Edition: No Guilt. No Excuses. No BS. Just a 6-Week Program That Works

If there is one concern every 20-something adult has, it’s money. The one thing school and college never teach you is how to manage your personal finances.

Sure, there is a lot to learn about the economy and business and your university will ensure you have an understanding of both. However, opening bank accounts, negotiating salaries, or buying a car?

These are financial decisions our parents had to figure out on their own. Now, we can turn to books like I Will Teach You How To

Be Rich to help understand how to manage our money safely and lucratively. Ramit Sethi teaches readers how to become a master at money management.


101 Secrets For Your Twenties by Paul Angone

101 Secrets For Your Twenties

A book chock-full of witty one-liners and sneaky admissions, 101 Secrets For Your Twenties is a quick and fun read to carry on the go.

Acting as your little black book guide to becoming an adult, Paul Angone writes about surviving dead-end jobs, post-college disillusionment and failed relationships.

Open the book to a random page and find that one line to make you laugh through a hard situation. A theme of this book is to accept that things are not going to go the way you expect them to.

And if you learn to expect the unexpected, you’re finally getting to the point of adulthood.


That’s a wrap. That was my list of best books about learning and studying.

Implementing the habits and techniques discussed in these books will be sure to improve any student with their study skills.

Learning is more than just reading- these books show that understanding how we think and feel will have lasting effects on our intelligence.

Learning happens in and out of school: from classrooms to real-life experiences, we are constantly learning about ourselves and the world around us.




Must have books for college students


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