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Women Speak Out About Their Efforts to Feel Safe When Running



Acts of self-protection most women do instinctively were brought into a global conversation when Amanda Deibert, a writer for TV and comic books, posted her thoughts about women’s safety on Twitter. Her post was inspired by a topic brought up in a Facebook group she was a part of. Her post immediately went viral and has received over 1.8 thousand comments responding to her question.

In the post, Deibert asked women to describe what they use to protect themselves and make themselves feel safe when they are out running. She was not expecting to have such a multitude of responses just hours after the post.

Women from all over the world have replied to Deibert’s question with their personal safety tactics and tools. There has been a vast range of objects mentioned, such as pocket knives, rape whistles, panic buttons and hammers. Many also mentioned running with their dogs. Other women commented that they often avoid specific streets that they find unsafe or on which they have encountered threats in the past.

A follower of Deibert using the twitter name, Conlee commented the following:

Another follower, Bri Ekanem tweeted:

Shane Greer, a male supporter, acknowledged the fear women have when out alone.

Men have also commented on the thread saying that they had not even realized how much women have to think about each time they go out for a run. Based on their comments, men don’t need to prepare at all before they go out, and instead, they just go for a run.

Having a mode of protection is an essential part of a woman’s daily routine. Deibert’s twitter thread has given women a chance to discuss ways in which they protect themselves. The thread has not only created a compelling conversation, spread awareness, but has also provided a different perspective to those who may have doubts about the need for protection.

By: Sydney Murphy



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