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I Am An Immigrant Series

I Am An Immigrant – Voices



“The lack of a secure border with Mexico has allowed millions of people to come to the U.S. illegally. And anyone looking to reap the benefits of this place should go through the procedures to gain citizenship.”
East Williston, Long Island, NY
The travel bans are basically a reaction to post-9/11 anxiety mixed with the normal apprehension that follows a new immigrant group coming here. Similar trends happened with the Italians, Russians, Irish, Japanese, etc. until they became Americanized and accepted. While I do have mixed feelings about the border wall with Mexico, it definitely doesn’t send out a good ‘image’ of America or what they say it stands for. On the other hand, an unprecedented number of drugs get moved across that border which needs to be stopped one way or another. The lack of a secure border with Mexico has allowed millions of people to come to the U.S. illegally. And anyone looking to reap the benefits of this place should go through the procedures to gain citizenship, just like every new group who have immigrated here prior. I think it’s simply people ignoring the rate at which history repeats itself and it’s to be expected that there would be some apprehension on both sides to change. It is human nature to fear the unknown, but once the unknown becomes a little more familiar people seem to get bored and move on with their lives. Of course, compromise and balance are a huge part of this, but it seems most people want to have their cake and eat it too. However, I would say the main problem is the trillion of dollars worth of drugs pouring over the borders. Drugs are the real problem, unnecessarily putting a lot of people in danger.
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