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I Am An Immigrant Series

I Am An Immigrant – Voices



“Moving to the United States was very difficult. I was confused and unhappy.”
Moving to the United States was very difficult for me as a nine, almost ten-year-old kid. When I got the news, I was confused and unhappy. I felt like my mom was taking me away from my comfort zone, all for her own selfishness. We arrived here on April 2004. The first couple of weeks were rough. I knew some English, and started meeting new friends, but what I missed the most was my family. Specifically my father, who I didn’t see for many years after I had moved to Jersey. Here I had no one, and I still do not. I’ve spent many Christmases alone throughout my life because of the move, but now as a 23-year-old, I do not regret it at all. It was one of the best things that could’ve happened to me.


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