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I Am An Immigrant Series

I Am An Immigrant – Voices



“Life at home was easier. In America, you need to find your own way, but the problem is that you need to figure out what way is the best way to turn.”
Harrisburg, PA
I’m from Senegal, Africa. I came to America in August 2017. Being home is definitely different than being in America. Life at home was easier. In America, you need to find your own way, but the problem is that you need to figure out what way is the best way to turn. In Africa, since most people live with their relatives and its more common to have a larger family than smaller one, people help one another. Not here. People in America live their own lives. Diversity is also another factor that doesn’t compare to Africa. In America, diversity is so common. Something I have not seen so much being home. I feel well prepared to be here since my parents told me what America is about and the differences between Africa and America. I have really started to find myself in these last couple of months, and I’m so happy to be here.
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