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I Am An Immigrant Series

I Am An Immigrant – Voices



“I think our president is using Mexico and his hate for Mexican immigrants as a way to polarize our country for his benefit. He’s bringing out racial tensions even more and that’s not helping anyone.”
Cranford, NJ
I just think that the wall is pointless. It’s a completely false assumption that Mexico’s the problem. I think our president is using Mexico and his hate for Mexican immigrants as a way to polarize our country for his benefit. He’s bringing out racial tensions even more and that’s not helping anyone. I feel that the people who are in favor of the wall are like minded and not really looking to branch out and learn about other people. Right now, I’m taking an intercultural communications class and the fact that my school offers that is really cool. I’m sure other universities have classes like that, but I think more schools should offer it, even making it mandatory. I think building the wall would satisfy some people, but overall it’s just a waste of money because people are always going to find a way around it. In the end, we could be using that money for other things. I feel that our president doesn’t really seem to care about any long-term implications the wall will have. I think that America should help itself before helping others, in terms of education and wealth distribution; not border patrol.
I’ve worked with a lot of immigrants. My bosses are from Palestine and Jordan and they are here illegally to help their family. My coworker from Egypt was here on a student visa and just sort of stayed here illegally. He’s trying to find someone to marry so he could stay legally. He wasn’t intentionally doing anything bad; he was just trying to have a better life.


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