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75 Creepy Pick-Up Lines That Will Make You Want to Run

Explore our collection of creepy pick-up lines that are guaranteed to make you want to run. Proceed with caution and brace yourself for an eerie encounter.



grayscale photo of woman

This article was updated on February 5th, 2024.

Pick-up lines are a classic example of a flirtatious technique. They are employed to ease the conversation and demonstrate your interest in the other person.

Pick up lines can be anything from corny to horrifying, and regrettably, they are frequently used in ways that can make the recipient feel uneasy or even threatened. This article will examine various creepy pick-up lines, explain why they are problematic, and give examples. 

Objectification pick up lines, invasion of personal space pick-up lines, threatening or intimidating pick-up lines, disrespectful or insulting pick-up lines, and excessive or inappropriate familiarity pick up lines are the first five types of creepy pick-up lines we’ll examine.

We will give examples of each type and explain why these pick-up lines are so problematic. The reason pick up lines are frequently used in a way that can make the recipient feel uneasy or even threatened will then be covered.

Finally, we’ll offer advice on how to avoid using creepy pick-up lines and ideas for polite alternatives.

By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll know why creepy pick-up lines such a problem is and how to avoid using them.

graysclae photo of woman covering half of her face


In This Post:

Creepy Pick-Up Lines

Objectification Pick – Up Lines

Invasion of Personal Space Pick-Up Lines

Threatening or Intimidating Pick-Up Lines

Disrespectful or Insulting Pick-Up Lines

Excessive or Inappropriate Familiarity Pick-Up Lines

Why are Creepy Pick- Up Lines Problematic

Alternatives to Creepy Pick- Up Lines

Frequently Asked Questions

Final Thoughts

Creepy Pick – Up Lines

When a pick-up line is too direct, too sexual, or makes the recipient uncomfortable, it is deemed creepy. If it is used inappropriately or in a way that suggests the speaker is anticipating a particular reaction, it may also be construed as creepy.

Objectification Pick – Up Lines

finger cookies with candies and spider


• “I’d love to get to know you better, so why don’t you come over and let me undress you?” – This line objectifies the person by implying that they are only worth knowing if they are willing to be undressed. 

• “I can’t help but admire your body, it’s like a work of art.” – This line objectifies the person by reducing them to an object of admiration, rather than a person with feelings and thoughts.

• “I’d love to explore every inch of your body.” – This line objectifies the person by implying that they are only worth exploring if they are willing to be physically explored.

• “I can’t take my eyes off of you, you’re like a piece of candy.” – This line objectifies the person by reducing them to an object of desire, rather than a person with feelings and thoughts.

• “I’d love to get to know you better, so why don’t you come over and let me touch you?” – This line objectifies the person by implying that they are only worth knowing if they are willing to be touched.

• “Great legs, what time do they open?”- This line objectifies the person like asking at what time she’ll have sex with him.

• “Can I buy you a drink or do you just want the money?”- This line is like saying she has sex for money or drinks. 

• “The word of the day is legs. Let’s go to your house and spread the word.”- This line objectifies the person by implying they just want to have sex with them.

• ¨ Your legs must be tired because you’ve been running through my mind all day. ¨ – This pick- up line objectifies the person being talked to by reducing them to a physical feature. And implying they exist solely for the speaker´s sexual desire. 

• ¨ Are you a piece of meat? Because you´re making me hungry. ¨ – This pick-up line reduces the person to an object of consumption, disregarding their feelings and individuality. 

• ¨ Are you a parking ticket? Because you´ve got ¨fine¨ written all over you. ¨ – This line objectifies the person by comparing them to an intimate object, implying that their value lies solely in their physical appearance. 

• ¨ Is your dad an artist? Because you´re a masterpiece. ¨ – While this line might seem complimentary, it reduces the person to an object of beauty, disregarding their individuality and personality. 

• ¨ You’re so hot you melt the plastic in my underwear. ¨ – This pick-up line insinuates the person solely exists for the others sexual desire, and that’s the only reason they approached. 

• ¨ Do you have a sunburn or are you always this hot? ¨ – This line objectifies the person by reducing them to a physical characteristic and objectifying their body rather than seeing them as a whole person. 

• ¨ You must have a PHD in fine bootyliciousness. ¨ – This line objectifies the person being addressed by reducing them to a physical attribute, and using slang terms that are often associated with objectification and sexualization. It also implies that the speaker views the person primarily as a sexual object rather than a whole and complex individual. 

Related: 200 “Favorite Things” Questions to Ask to Get to Know Someone Better

Invasion of Personal Space Pick-Up Lines

¨ Your hand looks heavy; can I hold it for you? ¨ – This line seems like a trick to initiate unwanted physical contact. 

• ¨ Can I follow you home? Because my parents always told me to follow my dreams. ¨ – This line suggests stalking behavior and intruding on the person’s personal space. 

• ¨ Do you have a name, or can I call you mine? ¨ – This line implies a sense of ownership and possessiveness over the person. 

•¨ Your body is a wonderland, and I´d like to be Alice. ¨ – The line objectifies the person as a playground for the speaker´s desires. 

• ¨ I´m not a photographer, but I can definitely picture us together. ¨- The line assumes a future relationship without considering the person’s feelings or consent. 

• ¨ Can you tell me the time, because I just lost track when I saw you.¨ – This line overemphasizes the speaker’s interest in the person, which can make them feel uncomfortable.  

• ¨ Would you mind lending me a kiss? I promise I´ll give it back. ¨ – Asking for a kiss from a stranger is invasive and crosses personal boundaries, making the person feel very uncomfortable. 

• ¨ Can I take a picture of you so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas? ¨ – The person becomes objectified as a thing that can be owned and controlled, gained through a wish or gift. 

• ¨ Your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine? ¨- This line is highly suggestive and forward, way too soon for anyone just meeting someone new. 

• ¨ Do you mind if I come just a little bit closer? I promise I won´t bite… hard. ¨ – This pick-up line is creepy because it infringes upon personal space, making the individual feel uncomfortable. The reference to biting can also be interpreted as sexual harassment. 

• ¨ You look so snug in those jeans. Can I feel the fabric? ¨ – This pick- up line is creepy because it not only invades personal space but also makes the individual feel objectified. Touching someone without their consent is a violation and this line implies that physical contact is acceptable. 

• ¨ I noticed you didn’t wear any jewelry. Would you like me to put something on you?¨ – This pick – up line is creepy because it makes the individual feel uncomfortable with a stranger offering to touch them and suggests a sense of ownership or possession being taken. 

• ¨ May I take a whiff of your hair? It smells so wonderful. ¨ – This pick-up line is creepy because it is inappropriate to approach someone and sniff them without their consent. It also makes the individual feel uncomfortable as the stranger is getting too close to them. 

• ¨ Excuse me, can I share a seat with you? It feels much cozier. ¨- This pick up line is creepy because it indicates that the individual does not respect personal boundaries and is ready to put themselves in the same space as the other individual without their consent. 

• ¨ Your eyes are so captivating. Can I look at them more closely? ¨ – This pick – up line is creepy because it implies that the individual does not respect personal boundaries. Eye contact is a personal space and can make the person feel very uncomfortable. 

Related: The Ultimate Guide on How to Flirt with a Girl Over Text or in Person

Threatening or Intimidating Pick-Up Lines

• “If you don’t give me your number, I might have to resort to stalking.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that the stranger is already considering stalking the individual if they don’t comply. This can intimidate the individual and make them feel unsafe.

• “Don’t make me angry, or you won’t like me when I’m angry.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it suggests a potential for violent behaviour or aggression. It can make the individual feel intimidated or scared.

• “You’re lucky I’m not a serial offender. You’d be the perfect target.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that the stranger has violent tendencies and is actively considering harming the individual. It can make the individual feel unsafe and threatened.

• “It would be a shame if something happened to you if you didn’t give me what I want.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it suggests a threat or intimidation to get what the stranger wants. It can make the individual feel forced to comply out of fear.

• “I could be your protector or your worst nightmare. Which do you prefer?” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that the stranger has the power to be either protective or harmful to the individual. It can make the individual feel like they’re being manipulated or coerced.

• “If you belong to me, no one else can have you.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies ownership over the individual and a potential for possessive or controlling behavior. It can make the individual feel like they’re being objectified.

• “You better watch your back, because I’m watching you.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that the stranger is stalking or monitoring the individual. It can make the individual feel like they’re being watched or monitored without their consent.

• “I can’t promise I won’t hurt you, but I promise it’ll be worth it.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies a willingness to cause harm to the individual. It can make the individual feel unsafe and pressured to comply.

• “If you reject me, there will be consequences.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that rejecting the stranger will lead to negative consequences. It can make the individual feel coerced or threatened.

• “You don’t know what I’m capable of.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies a potential for violent or harmful behavior from the stranger. It can make the individual feel unsafe and threatened.

• “I hope you have a good explanation for making me wait so long.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies anger or frustration on the stranger’s part, which can intimidate the individual. It can also make the individual feel guilty or responsible for the stranger’s feelings.

• “You’re mine now, and you can’t resist.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies ownership over the individual and a lack of respect for their autonomy. It can make the individual feel like they’re being objectified or controlled.

• “I’m not afraid to get physical if you don’t do as I say.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies a potential for physical harm or aggression from the stranger. It can make the individual feel unsafe and pressured to comply.

• “I bet you look even better without clothes on.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies a sexual agenda and objectifies the individual. It can make the individual feel uncomfortable and disrespected.

• “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from anyone who tries to harm you. Even if I have to use force.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies a willingness to use force or aggression to protect the individual, which can make the individual feel unsafe and threatened. It can also imply possessive or controlling behavior.

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Disrespectful or Insulting Pick-Up Lines

• “You’re pretty for a [insert race] person.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that there are preset standards for attractiveness based on race. It is disrespectful and insulting to the individual’s identity and can make them feel objectified or fetishized.

• “You’re hot, but can you actually hold a conversation?” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it objectifies the individual by reducing them to their physical appearance. It also implies that the individual may not be intelligent or interesting, which is insulting and disrespectful.

• “I’ve never been with someone as [insert physical feature] as you. I’m curious.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies fetishization of a specific physical characteristic of the individual and objectifies them. It can make the individual feel uncomfortable and disrespected.

• “You’re not like other girls/boys. You’re actually pretty cool.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that the individual is superior to others in their gender category and can be insulting to those others. It also suggests that the stranger has a preconceived notion of the individual’s identity without getting to know them.

• “You’re beautiful, but your friend is hotter.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it pits the individual against their friend and is insulting to both the individual and their friend. It objectifies them and can make them feel uncomfortable in the situation.

• “I bet you’d look better if you lost some weight/gained some muscle.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that there is a specific standard for attractiveness and that the individual does not meet it. It can be insulting and disrespectful to the individual’s body and can cause body image issues.

• “What are you, like a B cup? That’s all I need.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it reduces the individual to their breast size and objectifies them. It can make the individual feel uncomfortable and disrespected.

• “Your outfit is a bit too conservative for my taste.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that the stranger has a preference for a certain style and that the individual does not meet that standard. It can make the individual feel like they’re being judged for their appearance.

• “You’re too pretty to be single. What’s wrong with you?” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that the individual must have something wrong with them if they are attractive and single. It can be insulting and disrespectful to the individual’s autonomy and personal life choices.

• “I usually don’t go for [insert ethnicity], but you’re an exception.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies a prejudice against a specific ethnicity and objectifies the individual. It can make the individual feel uncomfortable and disrespected.

• “You’re cute, but you probably have a terrible personality.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it assumes that the individual has a negative personality without any evidence. It can be disrespectful and insulting to the individual’s character and can make them feel like they’re being judged unfairly.

• “You’d be even hotter if you smiled more.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that the individual must conform to a specific facial expression to be attractive. It can be insulting and disrespectful to the individual’s autonomy and can cause body image issues.

• “You should wear more makeup. It would bring out your features.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that the individual’s natural appearance is not attractive enough and that they need to conform to societal beauty standards. It can make the individual feel uncomfortable and disrespected.

• “You’re not my usual type, but I guess you’ll do for tonight.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that the individual is settling for the stranger and does not have much value. It can be insulting and disrespectful to the individual’s identity and can make them feel like they’re being used for the stranger’s satisfaction.

• “Why are you wasting your time on [insert activity or interest]? You should be spending more time with me.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that the stranger’s interests are superior to the individual’s and that they should prioritize the stranger. It can be insulting and disrespectful to the individual’s autonomy and personal life choices.

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Excessive or Inappropriate Familiarity Pick-Up Lines

• “Hey, I feel a weird connection with you. Do you feel it too?” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies an excessive familiarity or intimacy with the individual, even if they have just met. It can be uncomfortable or even unsettling to the individual.

• “I feel like I already know everything about you. Let’s skip the small talk.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies an inappropriate level of familiarity with the individual, implying that the stranger knows everything about them already. It can make the individual feel uncomfortable and like their privacy has been invaded.

• “I’ve been stalking your social media for weeks. You seem really cool.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies that the stranger has been rigorously following the individual’s online presence, which can make the individual feel violated and uncomfortable. It comes off as a potential threat.

• “I know we just met, but I can tell that we’ll be together forever.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies a high level of intimacy and familiarity with the individual, even though they have just met. It can make the individual feel uncomfortable and like they are being rushed into a relationship.

• “I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re all I want, and I need you.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies an intense and excessive level of desire or obsession with the individual. It can make the individual feel like they are being objectified and can be unsettling.

• “I saw you from across the room, and I just knew we’d be perfect together.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies an unrealistically strong connection between the individual and the stranger, even if they have yet to get to know each other. It can make the individual feel like they are being objectified and rushed into a relationship.

• “I can’t believe how much we have in common. It’s like we were meant to meet.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it puts an inappropriate level of emphasis on shared interests and experiences, which can make the individual feel like they are being manipulated or like their personal boundaries are being violated.

• “I feel like we’ve been together in a past life. We’re soulmates.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies an excessive level of intimacy and familiarity with the individual, even if they have just met. It can make the individual feel like they are being rushed into a relationship and like their personal boundaries are being violated.

• “I’ve been dreaming about you. I think you’re the missing piece in my life.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies an excessive level of familiarity and intimacy with the individual, even if they have just met. It can make the individual feel uncomfortable and like they are being rushed into a relationship.

• “We’re so alike, it’s scary. We even have the same favorite [insert thing].” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it puts an inappropriate level of emphasis on shared interests and experiences, which can make the individual feel like they are being manipulated or violated.

• “We have such amazing chemistry. We should go back to my place and see where it leads.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies an inappropriate level of physical intimacy or sexual desire, even if the individual has not expressed interest in going that far. It can make the individual feel uncomfortable and pressured.

• “I can’t stop staring at you. You look so beautiful/handsome.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it puts an inappropriate level of emphasis on the individual’s physical appearance and can make them feel objectified or uncomfortable.

• “I can’t wait to introduce you to my parents. They’ll love you.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies an unrealistically strong connection or level of intimacy with the individual, even if they have just met. It can make the individual feel like they are being rushed into a relationship and like their personal boundaries are being violated.

• “I feel like we can tell each other anything. Let me be your confidante.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies an inappropriate level of familiarity or intimacy with the individual, even if they have just met. It can make the individual feel like their personal boundaries are being violated.

• “I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. Let’s make up for lost time.” 

Explanation: This pick-up line is creepy because it implies an inappropriate level of intimacy or familiarity with the individual, even if they have just met. It can make the individual feel like their personal boundaries are being violated and like they are being rushed into a relationship.

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Why are Creepy Pick- Up Lines Problematic

For a number of reasons, creepy pick-up lines are problematic. People may experience unease, objectification, or even danger as a result of them.

A culture of sexualization and harassment may also be fostered by them, which may be harmful or upsetting.

First of all, creepy pick-up lines can be unsettling. Using inappropriate or lewd language can put the person being approached in an awkward situation and make them feel uneasy and on edge.

A power dynamic where the person delivering the pick-up line is perceived as aggressive and the recipient is perceived as vulnerable can also result from it.

Second, creepy pick-up lines have the potential to objectify people. A person’s personality and identity are ignored when a pick-up line minimizes them to their physical characteristics or sexual orientation.

It conveys the idea that someone’s worth is based solely on how they look, which can be demeaning and disrespectful. Last but not least, creepy pick-up lines can make people feel unsafe.

When someone uses a pick-up line that is intimidating or threatening, it can make the person being approached feel scared and uneasy.

If the person feels that their boundaries are being crossed, it may also turn into harassment or violence.

There have been numerous instances in real life where creepy pick-up lines have led to harm or distress.

For instance, a man may approach a woman who is out alone at night and threaten her by saying, “Give me your number or I’ll follow you home.” The woman may feel afraid and vulnerable as a result of this.

Another instance might be a person in a social setting who is approached by someone who uses an offensive or sexually explicit pick-up line.

The person may feel uncomfortable and embarrassed as a result, and they may decide to leave the social situation or feel unsafe.

In severe circumstances, sexual harassment or assault can result from creepy pick-up lines. It can be offensive and violate the target’s autonomy and safety when someone approaches them with a pick-up line that is intimidating or threatening.

Therefore, creepy pick-up lines are a problem because they can cause people to feel uneasy, objectified, or even unsafe. Respecting personal space and being aware of how our words and deeds can affect other people are both imperative.

A safe and healthy social environment must be created for all by approaching people with respect and using appropriate language.

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Alternatives to Creepy Pick- Up Lines

There are several respectful and effective ways to approach someone you’re interested in without resorting to creepy pick-up lines. Here are some suggestions:

• Starting a conversation based on shared interests or experiences: This is a great way to connect with someone and find common ground.

For example, if you both love a particular band or movie, you could start a conversation about that and see where it leads.

• Complimenting something non-physical: Rather than commenting on someone’s physical appearance, compliment them on something they’ve achieved or something they’re wearing.

For example, you could say “That’s a really cool t-shirt, where did you get it?”

• Asking for their opinion on something: This shows that you value their thoughts and opinions and can lead to interesting conversations.

For example, you could ask “What do you think about the new restaurant in town?”

• Asking open-ended questions: Ask questions that encourage conversation rather than shutting it down.

For example, you could ask “What kind of music do you like?” rather than “Do you like this band?”

• Being respectful of their personal space: Don’t invade someone’s personal space or make them feel uncomfortable.

Maintain a respectful distance and be aware of their body language.

• Being genuine and respectful: Above all, be genuine and respectful. Treat the person you’re interested in as a whole person rather than just an object of desire.

By approaching someone in a respectful and genuine way, you’re more likely to create a connection and foster a healthy relationship.

Remember that everyone has different boundaries and preferences, so respect theirs and don’t be discouraged if someone isn’t interested in pursuing things further.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are creepy pick-up lines to say to a guy?

Some creepy pick- up lines to say to a guy, like mentioned above, are “Why are you wasting your time on [insert activity or interest]? You should be spending more time with me.” And “You’re hot, but can you actually hold a conversation?” This last one is also insulting the other person. 

What are creepy pick-up lines to say to a girl?

Like mentioned above, some creepy pick-up lines to say to a girl are, “If you belong to me, no one else can have you.” Which is creepy and scary at the same time. And also “If you don’t give me your number, I might have to resort to stalking.”

Final Thoughts

It’s critical to keep in mind that pick-up lines can be harmful and ought to be used with caution. Even though some of the lines in this article may have been amusing, it’s important to keep in mind that they can also be construed as disrespectful and offensive.

It’s crucial to reflect critically on our actions and how they affect others. We ought to be aware of the potential effects of our words and deeds on those around us.

We should make an effort to show others respect and understanding while also being mindful of the possible effects of our words and deeds. We can make everyone’s environment more uplifting and respectful if we do this.




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Ana Hoy

Ana Hoy

Ana Hoy is a lifestyle writer for BLENDtw. She is a recent graduate of Washington State University currently residing in Colombia. Writing has always been a passion for her, and she hopes to inspire readers with every piece she writes.
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