Crazy Rich Asians, based on Kevin Kwan’s book, appears to be a summer blockbuster hit. The story focuses on Rachel Chu, an Asian-American professor who attends...
The Walt Disney Company is facing heavy criticism after news broke that the multibillion dollar media conglomerate’s next film will feature a gay lead character. However,...
The fashion industry is a major tool of power. Today, more so than ever, fashion is also being used as a platform for inclusion. Designers have...
It is often said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, within the majority of mainstream Western commercial media, those who are considered...
Almost as anticipated as the release of a Pixar film is the short that immediately precedes the feature. Every so often, we are graced with a...
Moving on from high school to a four-year university can be a hard transition for anyone. Now imagine being blind or visually impaired and having to...
Within this age of America, our national demographic is made up, more than ever, of people of various nationalities, ethnicities, body types, sexual orientations, gender identities,...
Even if you’re not planning on watching the return of Arrested Development this year, you’ve probably already heard about that controversial interview. Although controversies plaguing the...
Now more than ever, the subject of immigration has been featured in the news and public periodicals, especially regarding political politics and national sentiments over those...
Ever since the show rebooted earlier this year, Queer Eye has grown into its own phenomenon of positivity and empowerment. Hosted by five gay men of...