2018, an epoch filled with the good, the bad, and the ugly, yet the best moments of the year are extraordinary enough to accentuate themselves in...
With an impressive following of over 150,000 readers, Lady Boss Blogger is a blog that has accomplished notable success in only 2 years. Elaine Rau, CEO...
Within the media, viewers are often confronted by images of idealized beauty standards portrayed by performers selected and portrayed on screen. Among the majority of performers...
She Leads Media is a women-focused and led conference, production, and marketing communications consulting company. Adrienne Garland is the CEO and Founder. She Leads Media not...
Netflix is undoubtedly a scintillating and addictive binge-worthy entertainment streaming site with all the television shows and films you can watch. The addiction, however, can be...
As the gig economy continues to grow, one of the most in-demand industries for working remotely would be freelancing, which presents a new challenge for building...
Starting a blog is a rewarding experience. Blogs are not only a creative outlet but a place where you can teach and communicate with others about...
People often associate the classical music genre with operas, symphony concerts, or even older television shows. Many of your favorite singers, rappers, and hip-hop artists are...
Nowadays, everyone is familiar with the acclaimed fantasy genre. Fantasy takes us to a whole new world filled with magic and the surreal. Two famous examples,...
When it comes to the opinion of Muslim women in Western media, the general state of representation is often limited and tricky. Stereotypes, such as Muslim...