The American media franchise Marvel, best known for its iconic superheroes and action-packed films, has entered 2020 introducing a new team of superheroes. The new squad...
Tarana Burke is the founder of the Me Too movement. The movement has worked to expose gender-based violence across the world. This past week Burke traveled...
Kathleen Thorson passed away after suddenly falling ill earlier this month following the birth of her fourth child, Teddy. Though she had already brought four lives...
A young boy in Australia was ruthlessly bullied at school for living with achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism. Yarraka Bayles was upset to see her son,...
One young boy in Vancouver, Washington found a solution to his school’s lunch debt issue. Keoni Ching, just 8 years old, decided to make and sell...
The film “Parasite” blew the nation away with its Academy Award for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best International Feature. The film, directed by...
Being a young person involved in anything social or political comes with a world of problems. People will say you aren’t educated enough. They’ll say you...
Pop icon Harry Styles released his newest album on December 13, 2019, and the world went wild. As the second solo album of his music career,...
Joaquin Phoenix has been making headlines left and right with his latest film ‘Joker’ (2019). Despite the critical acclaim, breaking box office records, and rumors of...
Reality TV star, queer rights advocate, and hair guru, Jonathan Van Ness, has come out recently, but most certainly not out of the closet. In...