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Goodnotes Flashcards, Are They Useful?-The Complete Guide on How to Use Them

Wondering if the flashcard feature of Goodnotes is a helpful study tool? Here is a complete guide on the benefits of goodnotes flashcards and how to use them



Goodnotes 5

Goodnotes Flashcards, Are They Really Useful?

The Flashcards function in GoodNotes 5 is a fantastic tool for reviewing if you’re using it to supplement your study.

Use information from your PDFs or create your own questions and answers to aid in learning and memory while utilizing GoodNotes 5 and the Spaced Repetition study mode that is used with the Flashcards.

In simplest terms, by using the method to space out your learning, you can learn more in a shorter amount of time. To do this, all you need to do is a little preparation before letting GoodNotes take care of the rest.  

Table of Contents

Step by Step, How to Use it

The Goodnotes 5 notes app allows us the possibility of creating flashcards to study more effectively while reviewing different terms and key concepts. Just follow the simple steps below to start using them.

In order to start using flashcards in Goodnotes you must perform the following steps:

  1. Check that you have Goodnotes version 5.6.9 in the App information, otherwise you must download it from the App Store. 
  2. Once verified, the first step will be to go to the main menu of Goodnotes 5 nd select the ¨+¨.
  3. Choose the ¨ Notepad¨ option.
  4. Among the options of ¨ Notepad¨ is the possibility of selecting the paper ¨ Standard Goodnotes. ¨ 
  5. In the row of ¨basics¨ swipe right until you find the ¨flashcards¨ option. The card will instantly open for you and there you will be able to write the question at the top and the answer at the bottom.

You can make as many flashcards as you need.

When you want to review all the flashcards created in Goodnotes 5, you just have to click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and select “study flashcards.”

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Benefits of Studying with Goodnotes Digital Flashcards

Here are some additional benefits of utilizing digital flashcards from GoodNotes in addition to using a spaced repetition algorithm to your flashcards.

  1. Draw on your digital flashcards instead of using typed text.

When you use GoodNotes to make flashcards, you have the option to handwrite questions. Create the exact question you require, without regard to what you can or cannot type.

You can, for example, make flashcards with:

  • Graphs, including straight lines, curves, and parabolas
  • Formulas and equations
  • Diagrams and images
  1. Insert photos or diagrams with ease.

You can easily insert photographs and annotate them in addition to designing your own diagrams. This is especially useful if you have current graphs or diagrams in your notes that you wish to practice with.

To make them, simply copy and paste them onto the flashcards. Otherwise, you may simply drag and drop the ideal image from Google.

  1. Work together on flashcard decks

Sending a link to your notebook allows you to effortlessly share your flashcards deck with your students.

When reviewing for examinations, everyone can add new questions, and you can all work together to create a more comprehensive set of study materials.

  1. Keep your flashcards in the same place as the rest of your study notes.

You don’t have to switch apps to revise with GoodNotes. In the same app, you may take all of your study notes and test yourself. You may also quickly categorize all of your relevant notes.

For example, you may put all of your lecture slides and study notes in one notebook for organic chemistry. You can also retain your flashcards in the same notebook rather than in a separate app.

  1. You may use your iPad, phone, or computer to access your digital flashcards.

You can use any device to study your flashcards if you’d like. Your flashcards and all other notes will be synced to all of your devices if you have iCloud sync enabled, making it simple to study wherever you are.

You also only need to buy GoodNotes once!  For example, if you purchase Goodnotes on your iPad, then the Mac and iPhone app will be free to download. 

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Goodnotes Flashcards is Available in Which Devices

Goodnotes Flashcards is available for iOS/ iPadOS, mac

  • iPad
  • iPhone
  • Mac


Goodnotes Flashcards vs other Apps Flashcards

GoodNotes vs Noteful 

  • You can use GoodNotes on Mac if you wish to. The fact that GoodNotes is a universal purchase makes it even better. You may access it on all your devices for $7.99 (under the same Apple ID of course).

          Any device you choose has a familiar look and feel to the app. However, Noteful does not have a macOS version. The M1 Macs are your best bet for getting one because they can open and run iPad apps.

          You won’t have any trouble viewing your notes on a Mac if you have one of those. GoodNotes is, of course, also accessible on M1 Macs.

  • Attachments make our notes more interesting and entertaining. The more note-taking program kinds you can install, the better. Noteful cannot add online links, stickers, or scans to your notes, although GoodNotes can.


  • Web URLs are easily visible in GoodNotes. You can either open the link or copy it to paste into another program. Links are also simple to change. Noteful does not recognize any online links.


  • Both programs can draw regular and unusual shapes, which you can then alter. These can be filled in automatically. In GoodNotes, you can have distinct border and fill colors for non-circular forms.

          They are same for all of your shapes in Noteful, which can be restricting.


  • Noteful handles photos far more effectively than GoodNotes. You can add numerous photographs at once, but GoodNotes only allows you to do so one at a time.

          Your photos can move across pages, which GoodNotes does not allow.


  • GoodNotes includes an outstanding universal search tool that searches all of your app’s documents. The program then categorizes your findings as titles, handwritten notes, PDFs, outlines, or typed notes.

           You can find anything in the app from the homepage without first opening a document. The search tool on Noteful’s site is limited to notebook titles. It does not look through their contents.


GoodNotes vs Anki


  • Goodnotes is fantastic. With the digital flashcard option, it is even more powerful and has the ability to compete with Anki, the most well-known supplier for the generation of flash cards

          for effective and sustainable earning, since many students prefer to write by hand, which Anki does not allow.


  • Unlike other online flashcard applications, Anki allows various media files including audio and images.

For example, if you’re studying anatomy, you can test yourself on neuroanatomy by uploading a picture of the relevant structures onto a flashcard.

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Conclusion- How to Ace your Study with Digital Flashcards

Tips for studying with flashcards

Whether it’s paper or digital flashcards, there are a few general approaches that will definitely make flashcard learning easier:

  1. Organize your flashcards

Once you have created the review cards for your exam(s), it is advisable that you organize them according to each topic. In this way, you can always structure your study sessions according to certain topics.

On Mondays you study all the flashcards for topic 1, on Tuesdays the review cards for topic 2, and so on.

  1. Create mind maps:

These are study cards where all the terms relevant to the topic can be linked, giving you a good overview of the topic.

  1. Create an organized routine:

If you study at the same time every day, learning will become more bearable sooner or later. Also, start small and work your way up.

For example, start with 15-minute study sessions a day and then gradually increase the time, say 60 minutes a day. Many studies show that a habit that is maintained for at least 60 days in a row becomes a routine.

  1. Study out loud:

You might feel weird or silly talking to yourself, but reading the content of your flashcards out loud can really help you remember the material much better.

The brain retains information much better when we say it out loud than when we just read it.

  1. Join study groups:

Flashcards can also be studied very effectively in a study group if you and your friends challenge each other. Studying in a group with flashcards also increases the motivation to learn and the spirit of competition.

  1. Sleep well and be more productive:

If you want to be more productive, make sure you get a good night’s sleep. A good night’s sleep helps us study better by helping us store the information we have learned in the best possible way.

Therefore, it is advisable to study directly before going to bed and then “store” the newly acquired knowledge with a restful sleep of 7 to 8 hours.

  1. Link emotions to study:

Link the learning with your cards to study to positive emotions: for example, thinking about your loved ones or the last vacation.

In this way, it will be much easier for you to remember what you have learned with your flashcards later.

  1. Exercise your memory:

Frequent repetition of the flashcards will help improve your long-term memory, so you don’t forget the information you learned so quickly. Review cards help you retain knowledge in the long term.

Want more information on how to study with Goodnotes Flashcards?

Check out the video below







Goodnotes Flashcards

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Ana Hoy

Ana Hoy

Ana Hoy is a lifestyle writer for BLENDtw. She is a recent graduate of Washington State University currently residing in Colombia. Writing has always been a passion for her, and she hopes to inspire readers with every piece she writes.
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